< img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=398657075013292&ev=PageView&noscript=1" /> Entrance Control Solution at Police Line School and College at Faridpur
All Case Studies / Police Lines School & College | Entrance Control Solution

Police Lines School & College | Entrance Control Solution

Published On : 08-08-2022

Entrance Control Solution at Police Lines School & College 


About the project: 

Police Line School & College is one of the top-ranking schools and colleges. It was established in 1962, and it has been playing an outstanding role in the spread of education as a renowned and traditional institution. 




Project Site:  Police Lines School & College

Project Requirement: 

As an Educational institution, our client is highly concerned about their privacy, and students' safety and any security loophole would be threatening to it. Apart from a reliable and convenient entrance control system, they had some specific requirements: Fixed Alarm, Convenient for everyone, Elegant Entrance Outlook & Quick Verification. In addition,

  • Direction indicator function, showing passing or prohibiting for the people
  • Prohibiting opposite direction passing, one side reading the card, the other side will lock when you passing forcedly; the locking time can be set, and unlocked by the card.
  • Prohibiting illegal passing, the flap without the card, the locking time can be set, and unlocked by the card.
  • Self resetting function, the system will cancel the people passing right when reading the card but not passing, the time can be set.



Device Name

Device model



Entrance Control Solution




Parking Barrier


